The BEST Advice to Stay Fit Forever

THIS is the BEST advice I could give anyone trying to live a healthy life and stay fit FOREVER?

Focus on the bigger picture and stop getting lost in the details. 

We see people make this mistake all the time. I’ve been a personal trainer for 8 years. I get asked questions like this on a regular basis:

  • Is plant protein better than meat protein?
  • Shouldn’t I be doing 15 reps instead of 6 for long and lean muscles?
  • Don’t we need to do HIIT to burn fat and calories all day?

Without addressing the basics of their health first:

  • They eat nowhere near enough protein a day, fitness gains aside.
  • They’ve not exercised on a consistent basis in years. 
  • They haven’t slept more than 6 hours a night since they had kids!

And to these people I’d recommend they consider all of these foundational steps before getting lost in the details:

  1. Eat adequate calories by prioritizing protein and fiber and keep adding color to your plate before you worry about exact protein sources.
  2. If your job keeps you off your feet all day, it’s important to be getting extra movement in. Aim for more than 5,000 steps per day.
  3. Strength train at least twice per week!
  4. Sleep 7 hours a night, more if needed. Try this quiz to see how quality your sleep is.
  5. Drink more water, and less alcohol. Remember…moderation!

Once you consistently hit these basics, then we can talk about the details.


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