Our Favorite Meatless Meals

Are you a vegetarian, vegan, or someone who prefers less meat in their day? If that’s you, you may know that thinking of meals without meat can be challenging. Whether that be due to lack of appealing recipes, feeling uninspired, wondering how to get your protein in, or any other

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6 Signs Stress is Limiting Your Progress

Is stress limiting your progress? I wanted to share 6 signs your stress is limiting your progress, whether that’s getting fit and strong, losing body fat, or addressing the hot topic of “longevity.” Stress significantly impacts our immune system, digestion, nutrition, energy, and pain. If you relate to the one

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Recovery Part 5: Deloads, Recovery Runs, + Planned Rest

Deloads Some long term strength training programs will include planned “deload weeks,” though this concept is certainly more common in the endurance world.  Any intelligent program should take into consideration that your body can only adapt to the same stimulus for so long before we run out of adaptive capacity. 

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Here’s How You’ll Be Hooked After Your First Workout

After your first workout at Paragon, we know you’ll be hooked. Paragon is not like other gyms and we know you’ll feel the same! Here are just a few things that set Paragon apart from other gyms you may have tried: Coaching Excellence From the moment you step into Paragon,

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Beyond Aesthetics Part 2

How do muscles grow? If you read Part 1 of this series, you understand how important our hypertrophy programs are for better metabolic health, longevity, and quality of life. There are two main components of the hypertrophy equation: StimulusMuscle damage, metabolic stress, or mechanical tension. RecoveryAdequate nutrition, sleep, and appropriate

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“That could never be me”

Have you ever felt “ that could never be me” when you meet people who are really fit? Or maybe even sorta fit?  I disagree. It could absolutely be you, and you deserve to live life with strength and energy! Let me spill 3 secret habits of those really fit

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Recovery Part 4: Cold Therapy

Cryotherapy has become increasingly popular over the past decade.  Whole body cryotherapy  typically involves the participant spending between 2 and 5 minutes in a chamber reaching -85 to -145 degrees Celsius.  This level of cold has been shown to blunt the effects of muscle damage experienced during an exceptionally strenuous

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“The gym is so embarrassing”

“The gym is so embarrassing!”  That’s something my friend told me recently, and I was like hmmm…I wonder who else feels this way? Have you ever felt embarrassed at the gym? Or just by the thought of it?  It’s scary to show up to an unfamiliar place, where you don’t

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House Rule #4

Every goal is welcomed here, and you choose your journey. We believe in a supportive, body neutral approach. Whatever your goals, we’re here to help you reach them in a healthy, sustainable way. What is body neutrality? Read more on that here. This rule is a reminder that in an industry

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Embracing Body Neutrality to Support Lasting Health

In the ever-evolving discussion around body image and how we perceive ourselves, body neutrality has emerged as a very powerful and liberating approach to our health. Unlike the more well-known body positivity movement, which tells people they should love their bodies no matter what, body neutrality offers a more realistic

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Our Favorite Meatless Meals

Are you a vegetarian, vegan, or someone who prefers less meat in their day? If that’s you, you may know that thinking of meals without


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